01. 钗头凤 Phoenix hairpin
02. 天边 Beyond the Horizon
03. 公子多情 Fond child
04. 针线本相连 Needle link thread originally
05. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 情迷雾你的眼睛
06. 楼台会 Meet in a building
07. 魂萦旧梦 Old Dream Around My Soul
08. Skellig 斯凯里格岛
09. 长亭惜别 Apart in the booth
10. 聚也依依散也依依 Tenderly gather tenderly divide
11. 光明普照 Brightly shining
12. 别亦难 It is also difficult to leave
13. 情人的关怀 Solicitude of lover
14. 月下的情歌 The Month descends madrigal