01.预知天气的少年 Boy can Predict Weather
02.山崖下的爸爸 Father is Stuck on the Cliff
03.大人的难题 Adult‘s Struggle
04.南极企鹅的末日 South Pole Penguins End Day
05.飞吧~“摩西”!!! Fly! “MOS”
06.JP赌注 JP‘s Last Chance
07.侏罗纪大冒险 Jurassic Adventure
08.风雪中的观测站 Isolated Weather Station
09.雾夜中的古战场 Age-Old War in the Fog
10.摩西是对的 “MOS” is Right
11.恶老板大反击 Evil Businessmen Fights Back
12.拯救地球倒数计时 Countdown to Save the Earth
13.杰米的勇气 Jamie‘s Courage
14.观测站少年大电影 Essence
15.观测站少年MV Music Video